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June Athlete of the Month

wildmanwill84 June 1, 2014

June Athlete of the Month

Jimmy Fascetta

Part 1-An introduction

unnamedWhere do I even begin to start with a story like you are about to read? Our June Athlete of the Month James has lived many lives and has one hell of a story to tell. So much so that like last month this will be split into 2 parts, with part 2 coming out mid-month.  This is just the introduction to the man that is Jimmy Fascetta.

Jimmy’s early years were not something many would ask for. He was raised with four brothers by a single mother with very little income, all while dealing with family tragedy after family tragedy. There was enough hardship that no one would blame him if he lived his life in self-pity and eventually turned self-destructive, as most people often do when faced with similar situations.

Jimmy will tell you that his saving grace was a very special group of gentleman, also known as Coaches. Throughout his early life and teenage years Jimmy played various sports, most notably wrestling. His Coaches acted as father figures and refused to let him fall. Jimmy was taught valuable lessons such as overcoming obstacles, keeping your head up and looking forward and to always remember you have two ears and one mouth for a reason.  The drive and ambition that eventually led to Jimmy’s success originated from his high school weight room.  Everyday Jimmy faced the wall of Champions in that weight room and he decided early on that his name would be among them. This drive followed Jimmy well into college where in wrestling he won All American.

However, what you just read is not the reason we chose Jimmy as our Athlete of the month,  many of us have had to overcome obstacles in our lives – albeit some more drastic than others. No, the reason why we chose Jimmy is because all of you need to see, hear and feel his attitude. It reaches far beyond the confines of fitness. His message is one that transcends life and leads to the ultimate happiness.

Jimmy will tell you the hardest thing in life is to be you: unabashed, unapologetically, proud you. You need to remember that people will hate you andunnamed (1) people will love you but either way you will remain the same. That thought is what fuels him as the owner of Bench Mark Fit Club in Oak Lawn. That is what drove him to start 20 week prep for the Illinois State Bodybuilding Show (more on this in Part 2). His advice is to stay humble in life, create your own social standing and motivate your mind. This is what makes Jimmy our athlete of the month. Not enough of us are proud of ourselves – we are too busy pointing out our shortcomings. In fact, my interview with Jimmy made me realize I was even guilty of this.  He questioned that if there are people out there saying negative things about you why in the hell are you joining them? Stand up for yourself and be proud. If you don’t like something, fix it.

Which brings us to Jimmy’s best message (one that personally hit me the hardest): why ask why? Jimmy encounters so many people that are always asking why. Why are we doing anything? We get caught up in the why so much so we don’t even ask how. We just go straight for why and what a head fake that can create. The best example of this concept is when I asked Jimmy why he wanted to compete. The reason why is the not the answer that people need – it’s the how. Stop asking why and start asking how. Why can’t I lose weight? NO! How can I lose weight? Why can’t I afford the car I want? NO! How can I afford the car I want? Why can’t I be happy? NO! How can I be happy? Focus on the how and forget the why. Asking the why is asking the wrong question only to get a worse answer (I’m telling you guys and gals that one hit me right in the feels).

unnamed (2)Remember friends, this is just the introduction, I haven’t even touched on his 20 week prep for the IL State Bodybuilding show and the struggles that went along with it. Such as giving up vices, fighting his own knowledge versus someone else’s and, of course, what would a prep be without an injury or two. Stay excited for Part 2 – who knows there may even be a Part 3!

Now, without further delay, please join me in congratulating Jimmy Fascetta as Fitastic’s June Athlete of the Month. Leave your congrats, well wishes and comments on the Face Book page. Let us raise a dumbbell to the one and only Jimmy Fascetta. Be sure to follow Jimmy’s personal training studio on Face Book Bench Mark Fit Club.

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