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Steve April 16, 2013

Don’t use the scale alone to determine if your exercise program is working.  We’ve been conditioned to use this needled device to emotionally connect our efforts put into fitness and the results we get.  Most people give up on their Fitness Program because they  

1.)  Don’t have a Precise Goal (Burning Desire to succeed, or anything that REALLY DRIVES them). Your goals must specifically state what you desire to accomplish.  They must be easily understood and should not be ambiguous or subject to interpretation.  For example, rather than stating you would like to lose weight, set a precise goal to drop 5% of your body fat and fit back into your size 34 jeans by the upcoming family reunion.  In addition explore the significance of your goal.  Why do you want to lose weight?  Knowing why, when, how, and how much are important questions to ask before attempting to achieve your fitness goals.

2.)  Don’t have a Deadline (There is immeasurable POWER in a dead line).  Your goals must be time-bound by specific deadlines for completion. Timelines can be both short-term and long-term and should help you stay focused and on track.  Create a sense of urgency to accomplish your goals set.  You may consider marking your target dates at personal milestones, holidays, or special events (family gatherings, birthdays, etc.)  This is great motivation for public recognition in earning your results. 

3.)  Don’t measure their progress.  A simple tape measure can go a long way to track your efforts.  Use a scale and a waistline measurement once or twice per month.  If the scale stays the same and you lost 1/4 to a 1/2 inch of fat off of your midsection, then you replaced a pound or two of fat with muscle.  Don’t confuse weight loss with a reduction in body fat.  Look good, feel good, and live good the Fitastic way.

Track your progress with the Fitastic Nutrition, Exercise, and Lifestyle Journal available in May 2013!

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